What is Libido exectly?

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It stands for a person’s total sexual desire or the drive that gets him or her involved in sexual activity. This is a core component of sexual and reproductive health and involves both youth and adults; it is both natural and biological and is impacted by environment, learning, and experience. Sexual desire is a physiological response in that it is triggered by chemical such as testosterone and estrogen.

Independent variables include factors such as stress, anxiety and conditions that have an impact to the mental health of a person and they may either raise or lower sexual desire. Also, Social factors aspects such as relationship patterns, cultural and other beliefs and norms inherent in the society are also important. Taking libido as an example, it is quite clear that it could be high in one person, low in another, or fluctuating over the period of time as it depends on age, health status, habits and other factors.

This is the reason why patients should know that it is possible to have low or high sex drive and that changes in this area might be a sign that something requires medical intervention. Thus, the management of these factors defines the principles of effective sexual desire regulation.

What is a ‘normal’ libido?

A normal sex drive is uniquely individual, and it can be affected by many factors such as; age, health, stress, and how one responds to a partner. To some people, it is natural to have a high sexual drive and for the others it is quite the opposite, they barely have sexual impulses.

There can not be set standard for what a normal rate of sexual desire is because it is unique to each individual. However, it is well understood that sexual desire variations for both partners are normal and are known to be impacted by life events, interpersonal relationship status, as well as individual’s overall physical and mental health. In case a person has a sudden decrease or increase of sexual desire that results to distress or affecting his love life, the professional help is a good idea.

Being able to freely discuss with the partners and personal analysis of one’s own experiences can help in comprehending one’s own sexual needs. Overall, what is normal depends with society and discrete fact, due to the complex nature of human beings and psychological differences.

What causes a lowered libido?

Sexual desire reduction or low sexual desire, can be attributable to numerous causes, which are either psychological or physical. One possible explanation for that is hormonal changes; low testosterone in men and estrogen in women as well as premenstrual syndrome. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity or other long term conditions can also impact them because these illnesses are constantly drains on one’s health and vitality.

Other causes center on psychological aspects of the patients’ health. A common cause, stress traced to family or workplace problems, anxiousness and depressed frequently top the list. Permanent poor relations, conflicts, secret or lack of dialogue, quarrels and worries deter one’s sexual desires. Furthermore, the following classes of medication are known to reduce sexual desire; antidepressants, and blood pressure medications.

Even genetic factors are also responsible for the effect of sexual desire where one can opt for unhealthy practices such as excessive drinking, smoking, and not engaging in workouts. Age can also be considered a natural one because people’s interest in sex tends to decline with age. Finally, this factor deals with the psychological barriers precipitated by past abuses or general negative sexual experiences.

Hormonal and Neurobiological basis of sexual drive

Desire, or appetite, is about sexual activity and involves interactions of hormones or neuro chemical factors. Stemming from this category, testosterone, estrogen as well as progesterone are central to the whole issue. The hormone most associated with sexual desire that is present in both male and female is testosterone. These typically rise with higher levels According to research, higher quantities are associated with an elevated sexual desire. Oestrogen and progesterone are also involved in sexual desire especially in women and this changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Limbic system of the brain such as the hypothalamus and the amygdala part is essential in managing the sexual conduct. The hypothalmus, another hormones controlling center, based on the information coming from sex hormones controls sexual activity and desire. There are some brain chemicals that influence sex drive; these include dopamine which is vital in producing organized pleasure and reward. On the other hand, serotonin has negative feedback on sexual behavior to counter the effects of dopamine.

In addition, psychological factors, stress level, and general health also resonate with these hormonal and neurobiological processes. Therefore, sexual desire can be regarded as the outcome of the interaction between hormones, brain, and specific psychological states, and this fact proves the versatility of sexual experience.

What is the effect of libido in marital life?

In the matter of marital life, libido is another very important factor or in other words we can say it sexual desire is another vital aspect. Actually, sexuality interferes with closeness, bonding, and general relationship happiness. When both partners have a healthy sexual drive, they feel closer and this makes them to be bonded. Interdependent touching can improve the state of emotional intimacy, which will lead to a better relationship of the couple.

Thus, this may cause a number of problems in the marriage including misunderstandings and frustrations mostly due to differences in libido. One partner can feel jilted, the other – forced. Such differences can pose challenges on the relationship if not well managed through good communication. Both partners ought to talk about what they want and what they can do to make both options satisfactory for the couple.

There are exogenous variables ranging from stress, health, and changes in daily living that may impact libido. For example, there could be work-related stress or young children at home that affect the amount of sexual desire. Knowledge of these factors and their management jointly can thus keep a healthy sexual desire.

However, if the differences in libido continue, then it is advisable to consult the help of a therapist or a doctor. While the couple may turn to their therapists for advice on effective ways of communication and rekindling sex in their marriage, they can consult their physicians for medical advice on some of the problems.

To sum up, it is still a realistic consideration that the ratio of libido plays an important role in the marital satisfaction. These findings imply that, couples should always engage in an open discussion, try to be sensitive to their partners’ needs and, if need be, should consult someone else if they cannot fathom how to maintain a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship

Can health issues affect libido?

Of course, illnesses do have an impact by lowering one’s sex drive. Diseases like diabetes, both high blood pressure, heart diseases definitely hinder blood flow and nerve supply that will translate to lust. Other medical problems can also cause low libido; some of these include; Low testosterone levels; Thyroid problems. Certain diseases like kidney Ailments or even cancer bring fatigue and this together with pain will significantly reduce sexual desire.

Mental health contributes to the process as a key element as well. Depression, anxiety, and stress interfere with moods and energy which consequently affects a person’s sexual desire. Treatments for these ailments, or for other ailments, high blood pressure or epilepsy, respectively may have additional side effects that lower sexual desires.

Another determinant is as regards the lifestyle factors. Malnutrition, inactivity, and substance abuse in form of alcohol and drug are some of the factors that affect libido. Also, conflicts in the relationships and minimal or no communication can lead to low sexual desire.

It is pertinent to comprehend these associations so that adjustment of libido may be effectively approached and managed. Visiting a doctor to determine if there’s a medical condition that may be affecting the sexual desire and coming up with changes that will enhance the quality of life may help.

Where to get help

  • Primary Care Physician
  • Urologist/Gynecologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Mental Health Professional
  • Sex Therapist
  • Dietitian/Nutritionist
  • Support Groups
  • Pharmacist
  • Alternative Medicine Practitioners
  • Online Resources


  • Smith Will

    Hello Everyone, I am Dr. Smith Will. I'm highly qualified Clinical Neurologist with a Ph.D in Neurology at Columbia University in the City of New York.

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About Smith Will

Hello Everyone, I am Dr. Smith Will. I'm highly qualified Clinical Neurologist with a Ph.D in Neurology at Columbia University in the City of New York.

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